Friday, November 12, 2010

New Breadmaker

 I received this breadmaker as a gift from my mother-in-law for my birthday about a month ago (thanks Sharon!) and have been anxious to try it out.  I have several friends who have one, and they love them so I decided I needed one as well - seems much easier than baking bread in the oven. 

So this week I broke out the instruction manual and prepared everything for my first go at breadmaking.  One of the things mentioned in the book is to measure EXACT measurements (which I'm not known for) so I made sure and set it all out before I began. 

The other 'rule' of breadmaking (according to the manual) is to add the ingredients in the order listed in the recipe - liquids first, then dry, and yeast last.

I put all the ingredients in the bread pan, and set the timer so that the bread would be ready when we got home from work!  How simple is that?

When I walked into the house after work, it smelled AMAZING!  I was excited to see how it turned out.

The bread was awesome, and went perfectly with the broccoli and potato soup I made for dinner.  I see lots more bread making in my future :)


  1. I can't believe you are not an EXACT measurer!!! Sounds delicious, what an awesome homemaker you are, so proud of you and your precious family:) Love u

  2. I am jealous of your soup and homemade bread! It's dark and stormy outside, tonight would be an awesome night for some homemade soup ... hmmmmm, may have given me an idea ... :)
