Sunday, July 29, 2012

1 Month

Natalie stats:
  • Head Circumference -14.5 (20%)
  • Weight - 8lbs (6%)
  • Length - 20in (less than 3%)
  • Clothes - Newborn
  • Diapers - Newborn
  • Food - This month was difficult trying to get the feeding figured out.  I started out exclusively breastfeeding, but she had a really hard time latching so I used a nipple shield which did help some.  About day 4 I started pumping and giving her breast milk from a bottle, which she quickly figured out was much faster than nursing and really wouldn't nurse much after that.  I wasn't producing much milk (which I experienced with Wesley as well) so I started supplementing around 1 week.  We tried both Enfamil Newborn and Enfamil Gentlease, both which made her extremely gassy.  We are now using Prosobee which is soy along with Dr Brown's bottles, and this combo along with occasional use of Gripe water/gas drops seems to be much better on her little tummy.  And when she is hungry, she wants food right then and will let you know it!
  • Sleep -Sleeps really well during the night!  She will go to sleep between 10-11pm each night, wake once to take a bottle between 2-3am, and then sleeps until around 7-8am.  It has really been a blessing!  She naps during the day anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, usually after she has eaten.
  • Talents/interests -She likes to be held (of course!) and to lay on her left side.  She loves her pacifier - we are using the Soothie which is the one we got at the hospital.  She seems to like her bouncy seat and her newborn lounger, but not her play gym or swing.  She has been smiling and cooing which is so precious, and is starting to notice her hands :)

1 comment:

  1. She is so precious, Sheryl! I think she looks like you in that picture :o).
