Saturday, September 18, 2010

9 Months!!

Our little guy is 9 months old today!  Its amazing to think in just 3 short months he will be a year old.  I wish I could just reach out and make time stand still!  This is such a fun age to experience as a new parent - but of course we look forward to watching him continue to grow and learn, and become the person he is meant to be.  Here's whats going on with our pride and joy:

Wesley stats:
  • Head circumference -18.5in (80%)
  • Weight -21.4lbs (50%)
  • Length -29.5in (80%)
  • Clothes - 12 months in tops and sleepers.  He can still wear 6/9 months in pants/shorts.  Still no shoes, although I'll have to buy him some before too much longer.
  • Food - 4-5 8oz bottles per day and 3 solid feedings, plus a snack.  He pretty much eats all table foods now (I had fun with the Beaba while it lasted!).  Cereal bars, graham crackers, cottage cheese, cubed cheese, & mixed veggies are some of his favorites.  Most of the time for dinner he just eats what we eat. He hasn't gotten any more teeth yet (still just the lower two) but eats a variety of textures, and handles them well.  Hasn't turned his nose up to anything yet - the boy is an eater!
  • Sleep - Sleeping through the night most nights - in the last 6 nights, he has only woken up once in the middle of the night for a bottle.  I'd say 1 out of 6 isn't too bad!
  • Talents/interests - Still crawling all over the place, and pulling up.  He stood for about 5-10 seconds the other night, but I couldn't get him to do it again.  I got him some new 'big boy' toys that he can push and walk behind, and he loves those.  He's re-discovered his pacifier - I guess maybe it helps with teething?  He found a couple I had in his toy box about a month ago, and took to them.  I don't think its for soothing, because he doesn't want them at nap time or at bed time, he just wants to have them when he's playing.  He steals them from the other babies at daycare!  He's just learned how to drink out of a straw thanks to his daddy and a strawberry malt - he couldn't get enough.
Hugs and kisses to our big boy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what an angel! We had such a wonderful time this weekend with our little man. He didn't feel very well and was still a perfect little fellow!! What a joy:)
    We love you, D-daddy and Mimi
