Thursday, September 30, 2010

Garden Project

One project we've worked on since our move to Fayetteville has been our garden.  Corey has been talking about building a raised garden for a while, so we took advantage of the long Labor Day weekend at the beginning of the month and built the frame.  Wesley was a big helper - I'm pretty sure I took way more pictures of him than I did the actual project, but you'll get the idea :)  Not sure what we'll plant first - any suggestions for a winter crop?

Unloading the wood

Measure twice, cut once :)

Cleaning up the mess

Laying out the frame

Screwing in the first brackets

Daddy's big helper

Wesley wants to do some drilling

Look daddy, we did it!

Learning to build stuff

Completed frame

 Laying down the cardboard to kill the grass

Next step is to put the soil put in, and plant!

1 comment:

  1. Sheryl, what a great little pictorial of your family garden these stories! Thanks for sharing them with us. We love you, Mimi and D-daddy:)
