Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weekend Recap

We had a busy but productive weekend this past weekend - we love October (my birthday month :)) and the fall weather in NWA!!  It was wonderful.

Friday night Corey and I decided we were going to make homemade pizza.  When I was growing up, Friday night was either pizza night or taco night in the Smith household, and I loved that tradition so I wanted to incorporate it into my own family.  We didn't make anything fancy, just pepperoni and cheese.  It was ok - I think I got my water too hot and killed the yeast.  The dough was really dense and thin.  Definitely needs improvement, but we ate it anyway.

Don't make fun - I made that apron!
 Rolling out the dough
 Corey adding seasonings
Finished product

Saturday Corey's dad came up to visit, and we went down to Bikes, Blues, and BBQ which is a huge (2nd largest in the country) bike rally in our area.  It was a lot of fun to just go walk around.  I was concerned about the noise level for Wesley, but he loved it!  They had some really neat bikes and definitely some intresting people.


Sunday we spent working on projects around the house.  We pretty much worked all day long!  We were all worn out by the end of it.  Here are the things we got accomplished:

Sewing project:  a tote bag for Wesley's stuff
 Washed my car
 Washed our table and chairs with Murphys Oil Soap, then rubbed them all with Old English - it looks like a brand new table now!!
 Got started on some Fall decorating
 Painted our mailbox and post (wish I had a before pic - it was a terrible brown/rust color!)
 Painted the lightpole and fixed the light - it was the same brown/rust color as the mailbox
And of course Wesley and Baylee helped :)

Have a great week!


  1. Wow! You did have a busy weekend! By the way - love the apron. I need to get busy and make myself one.

  2. What an awesome weekend! Ya'll just about covered it all....work, play, fun, food and the best part----Family:) It is such a blessing to see you enjoying life and so happy Gramps could be a part. Sheryl, your sewing is great.....branching out to new projects, I'm very proud of you. And BTW, love the apron, too. See you on Saturday, can't wait!!!!! Thanks so much for the update:D. Love to you all, Mimi and D-Daddy.

  3. Oh my goodness gracious, when I was looking back over the weekend recap, I realized you also made the apron...I'm truly impressed!!!!!!! That is precious. Way to go, Sheryl:)
