Friday, March 18, 2011

15 Months!

Our Wesley is 15 months old today!  I know I say this every month, but the time seems to be flying by!  When I see small babies, I think of Wesley as being so much older - there seems like a big difference between a baby and a toddler to me now.

Once he hits the 18 month mark I'm going to have to cut back on my updates to every couple months or so because I just can't keep up!  Here's what's going on this month: 

Wesley stats:
  • Head Circumference -19.75 in (90%)
  • Weight - 25 lbs (60%)
  • Length - 33 in (80%)
  • Clothes - 18-24 months in all clothes and size 5 shoes.
  • Food - Anything and everything - Corey's been on a hummus kick lately (as have I) and Wesley loves it!  He's a good eater - always has been.  We were at a friends house the other night, and their baby wasn't interested in his snacks, so Wesley took right over and finished it all off for him - and then wanted more!  It was hilarious - I'm sure when he's a teenager and eating us out of house and home it won't seem so funny!
  • Sleep - Sleeping though the night!  He will take two naps during the day if he is home with me, but only one nap at school (which makes for a long evening).  Also, if he is left alone to wake up on his own in the mornings, he will be in a great mood - but if Corey or I have to wake him to get going, he's a bear!  The boy likes his sleep - just like momma :)
  • Talents/interests - Outside!!  With the weather getting warmer in our area, he's been able to play outside a lot more at school and at home, and will fuss when he has to come back in.  I try to leave our front door open when we are home so he can look out the screen door - we've had sidewalk construction going on this month, so he's enjoyed being able to watch the guys work and look at the tractors.  He also likes to go 'bye bye' these days - if we tell him we are leaving, he will go straight to the door then walk out to the car to get in his seat.  He can point to his teeth, belly, and nose and has learned how to stack his mega blocks.  He can also wave 'bye bye' and is really close to being able to blow kisses :)
We love our sweet little man!!


    1. It is very hard to imagine that Wesley is 15 months and doing so many things! What an awesome opportunity to watch and love him on the journey God has created just for him.
      We love hearing all this Wesley news:)
      Mimi and Ddaddy.

    2. Jarrett will be 15 months in 2 days. Time does FLY by! Where is my tiny little munchkin? I think our boys are about the same size. J has his 15 month check up next week I think.
